About Me

My name is Nina, but I go by either Nina or Sonikku.

I'm a Fan-Fiction Author and a Novice Artist.

I live in the Philippines ever since I was a born and I live in America for three and a half years. I really love America, but I really miss all of my good friends in the Philippines.

I'm usually shy and quiet, but once I get to know you, I can be quite a talkative and outgoing girl. I usually don't want to make a lot of friends since I'm not a people person and all. Though I can be a little lonely. I adore to be alone, yet I loathe to be alone. Isn't that ironic?

I'm quite picky in making friends... but I can make friends with people unexpectedly. Depending on their persona, I either be close to them or just try to act normal. If I made friends in which we DON'T have A LOT in common, I always wonder why I made friends with them in the first place. Oh well, it's me. I still talk to people.

I'm not much of a girly-girl since I hate wearing pretty things, skirts and dresses, but I'm still a girl in general. I really love cute things and boys.

I'm somewhat of a tomboy and all. Let's not go with that.

I'm a video game addict formerly, currently I'm a computer addict. I really need to control myself.

I love playing video games and watching anime. I also watch drama. I'm quite picky in genres and all. Current fandom I'm addicted to Axis Powers Hetalia (Hetalia for short). Yay for being a Hetalia Wannabe.

I write stories whenever I'm the mood, although I never write them out. Some are personal or just... plain weird. Sometimes, I just never finish them sad to say. Plus it's getting pretty good then... poof my motivation died. I can't force myself, I would not do it.

I enjoy RPing (Role Playing), however, I'm quite picky. So it's hard for you guys to RP with me. Oh well.