Friday, February 18, 2011

A little Random

I was just reading a book. It was after school and everyone are relaxing.

"Hey Hershel." Said a voice. I take my eyes away from the book and look up. "Still reading?" He asked. "Ah, Lando." I said, "Yes I have." Lando has a smile on his face, "Isn't the literature deep?" He asked. "Oh yes." I retorted as I close the book and place it back in my bag. He just smiled.

I get up from my seat and we both leave the classroom.

"Any plans with you and Sharon?" He asked. "Not really." I replied, "She's a little busy lately." "It must be the finals I bet." He said, "Well, I've studied a lot. No need for me to study. What about you Hershel?" He nudges me a little. "Oh you know me Lando." I chuckled. He joins in laughing. "I would never doubt you Hershel." He laughed. We both head back to our dorm and throw in puzzles at each others.


Lando... I've missed you.

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