Tuesday, April 12, 2011

2011 Computer Fair

Today was the computer fair held in the School District of Philadelphia.
I say, it was really fun.

And I get to learn more about Mac apps. more xDD
I'm a PC person, so yeah lol *shot*


Roxborough High School has won 1st place twice and 3rd place twice Cx
My WEB teacher is so proud of us~

Me, I don't even care at all.
And she knows xD

My sister was really excited that she won 1st place. I'm really proud of her~ <3
She entered the animation category.
Three seniors entered digital movie and won 1st place.

Another student and I entered a website (a different category, but I forget though... me and my poor memory... oh well) won 3rd place. At least we didn't have any honorable mentions though. Thank goodness~ <33

Now, I'm completely knackered xDD
Well, gotta go~


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