Friday, April 8, 2011

Pokemon Battle Status

I'm finally playing Black again :'D

But I'm still far behind ;w;
I have to keep going D:

My Black Team:

  • Klaus (SERPERIOR, male) - lv. 44
  • Blaze (LIEPARD, female) - lv. 43
  • Taiyo Toby (UNFEZANT, male) - lv. 42
  • Ataru Hori (ZOROARK, male) - lv. 42
  • Clive (SWANNA, male) - lv. 42
  • Basil (SAWSBUCK, male) - lv. 42

And I just realize about my team in SoulSilver (minus LUGIA since its genderless xD)

My SoulSilver Team:

  • Fiara (TYPHLOSION, female) - lv. 60
  • Star (STARAPTOR, female) - lv. 60
  • Anzu (AMPHAROS, female) - lv. 60
  • Tikal (FLYGON, female) - lv. 60
  • Ventus (TOGEKISS, male) - lv. 60
  • LUGIA - lv. 60

xDD Oh my...
If you don't get it... Basically I have one opposite gender in my team xD

But oh well |D

I'm currently in Icirrus (?) City. I've already got my 7th badge and finished exploring Dragonspiral Tower and seen Zekrom in action o3o
I'm suppose to go to the Relic Castle located in the Desert Resort via Route 4, but I'm just training.

Now for something random, I'm gonna tell you my previous team xDD *shot*
I don't remember their levels anymore ;w;


  • Fire (INFERNAPE, male)
  • Black (STARAPTOR, male)
  • Yami (LUXRAY, male)
  • Tails (FLOTZEL, male)
  • Rose (ROSELIA, female)
  • Time (DIALGA)


  • Fire (INFERNAPE, male)
  • Black Wind (STARAPTOR, male)
  • Yami (LUXRAY, male)
  • Rose (ROSERADE, female)
  • Teirusu (FLOTZEL, male)
  • Knuckles (MACHOKE, male)

  • Fire (BLAZIKEN, male)
  • Dark (MIGHTYENA, male)
  • Sonika (GARDEVOIR, female)
  • Tails (SWELLOW, male)
  • Ness (AZUMARILL, male)
FireRed (I haven't touched that game for about a year):

  • Fire (CHARIZARD, male)
  • PIKACHU (male)
  • Flyer (PIDGEOTTO, male)
That's about it o3o;


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