Thursday, March 24, 2011


Pfft, I need to sleep earlier... but nope |D

I be Legal again anyways ~ *boot to the head*

Mido, if you're ever reading this, no it's not your fault <3
I still love you~

Now for something ridonkulous (xDD)
Now I be RPing with myself and Nina Serenity xDD

Me: *head desk* *groans*
Nina: Nina-sama...? Are you ok?
Me: .... yes
Nina: ... *sweat drop* R... right....
Me: Whadya want girl? I don't have all day... D|
Nina: Erm... w... well...
Me: ... meh...
Nina: I just wanna say hi... ;;
Me: ... hi
Nina: Hi...
Me: Now leave me be D| Go to Klaus or Basil or Mido or whatever D<
Nina: ... *scoot away*
Me: *groans* Quiero dormir.... TT__TT

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